Hi, my name is Edie Kate.
I was born 15 weeks early and only weighed 1 pound, 14 ounces. I spent 77 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the University of Oklahoma Children's Hospital.
While I was in the hospital, my parents had to leave the hospital to return to work, take care of my brothers and watch over our home which was 45 minutes away from the hospital.
I was lucky because they were able to visit me every day. There were other babies in the NICU that did not get to see their families every day.
I want to change that.
I believe families should be able to spend as much time as they want with their babies while they are in the NICU.
Because this is something I'm passionate about, I donate 10% of net sales from my shop to charities that connect families to their babies in the NICU.